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Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to my old favorite: Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Mousse

Just over 3 months ago, I decided to stop mistreating my curls and go "Curly Girl". I stopped stripping my hair with sulfates and started giving my hair the moisture it deserves. I stopped using products with silicones, parabens, and glycerin. Well... glycerin isn't SO bad. It's just that my hair doesn't seem to like it. Turns out, my hair loves aloe and protein.

In late October 2010, I got my hair cut by a curly specialist who creates a cut specific to my curl needs. The cut is done dry rather than wet. This special cut is called a Deva Cut. And only Devachan trained stylists can do it. It has to have been the best cut I've ever had. Here I am 3 months later and I'm just now needing another cut - and that's exactly the time-frame my stylist suggested. When I asked how long before I'd need to come in for a trim she told me 3 months. I was ecstatic because I rarely ever go back any sooner than that. It was nice to hear this directly from the stylist!

So... fast-forward to today: I've been experimenting with different curly products and have found quite a few things that seem to work well for me. So, today I experimented with my old favorite, Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Mousse. Turns out, my old favorite is CG-friendly! Yay me! LOL! The picture embedded in this post is one of my hair this morning. I like how it came out. But, I think I have some tweaking to do to help it curl better. I'm happy to be able to use my old favorite and know that I'm still taking care of my hair. :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh, MAN! I can't wait to see this one! New Moon was MUCH better than Twilight was - I believe that was due to the change of directors. So, as with the books, each movie seems to get better and better. Looking forward to June 30th. ;)

Find more videos like this on The Twilight Saga

Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Friday!... Good Friday.

I'm so looking forward to the holiday weekend! Two days ago, I spent all day thinking it was Thursday. Yesterday I spent all day thinking it was Friday. Now it finally is Friday. The Odyssey is gone. Monday the Civic will be cleaned and detailed (so it doesn't stink anymore... .EW LOL!). But between now and then, there are so many moments to experience.

This morning will be like any other normal weekday morning. We'll get ready to go to work and school. We'll drop Tyler off at school. But, this day, Donald will come to work with me as he awaits the arrival of Grandma & Papa. When they arrive, they'll take him and his packed suitcase and head to Washington, DC. Donald will have the opportunity to see the sights and enjoy a week of time with extended family. He's been looking forward to this day for a long time. And as it has approached, he has gotten more and more anxious for the day to come. I wish for him happy times and interesting discoveries in a town filled with history and hope.

In the meantime, I'll miss his face. I'll miss his personality. One whole dimension of our home will be missing this week. He'll celebrate Easter with Grandma & Papa while we celebrate at home and at church. It will be strange to not have him here. But, it'll be good for him, too. He'll enjoy touring the Capitol Building and exploring the Smithsonian. He'll see the cherry blossoms in full bloom and have a ride in a duck-boat. :) I hope he has tons of things to tell me about when he returns, my sweet boy. I will miss my sweet boy. <3

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fool's Day!

It's Thursday! All day yesterday I thought it was Thursday. I have no idea why. LOL! I think I wanted today to be Friday. ;) So, it finally IS Thursday. And it's April Fool's Day, too. I've never been much of a practical joker. So, I never got into the whole April Fools thing. I like April and May more than all other months of the calendar, though. I love spring in the air and flowers blooming and seeing green again after long, cold winters. So, in a way, I guess I am an April fool. :) Spring is here and things are growing - green is coming back. New start. It's a new start for us, too. The Odyssey goes back to the dealer today. And I'll be back in the fuel-saving, money-saving Civic. Time to pay off that credit card debt. Yes. It's a new day and a new start. Enjoy! Happy April Fool's Day to everyone!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

*Sigh*... tomorrow's the day.

After 7 years of driving a Honda Odyssey - first a 2003 which we drove for 4 years and then a 2007 we leased for 3 years - our time is up. I'll be back in my little '98 Honda Civic. I'm a little apprehensive about going from a (fairly) large vehicle back to an ultra-compact vehicle. Okay, so it isn't ULTRA compact. But, it certainly feels small compared to the Odyssey. I drove the Civic from 2000 - 2003 when we leased the first Odyssey. So, it isn't like I've never driven it before. Actually, I spent a lot more time in it than I really wanted to because I worked about 20 miles from home; which, in Jersey terms means about 90 minutes of stressful, jam-packed driving. BLECH. It was awful. ...Anyhoo... Me & the Civic will be back together again beginning tomorrow. Donnie has been driving it all these 7 years. I'm sure he won't miss that tiny little car. He'll be driving a 2-dr Jeep Cherokee that has yet to be registered. ...At least it's been insured. Next step is the registration.

So... back in the Civic I go for a while. Somewhere down the road we'll investigate our new car options. But, for now, it's bill-paying time and time to beef up the credit rating in the process. :) Wish me luck. I hope my little Civic lasts that long. ;)